Individualized services aimed at improving communication, social skills, participation in daily routines, and functional use of objects for play, learning, and self care.
We offer the following Treatments and Specialty Techniques
These services can include test preparation, study strategies, organizational techniques, support for students with learning differences, etc.
Therapeutic activities aimed at decreasing deviations in speech patterns in order to enhance clarity of communication.
Activities to improve independence with daily living tasks for self care and household management, such as dressing, grooming, preparing simple meals, etc.
Training for use of adaptive devices, such as long-handled equipment and specialized utensils, to improve independence with daily living tasks.
Training for use of specialized equipment, such as software programs and communication systems, to improve functional skills and participation in daily routines.
“Astronaut Training” is a sound activated vestibular-visual protocol designed by Mary Kawar, MS, OTR, to enhance foundations for sensory integration.
Activities to improve bilateral coordination, which is the ability to coordinate both sides of the body at the same time in a controlled and organized manner. Bilateral coordination is an indicator of good communication between both sides of the brain and is often essential for many sensory motor skills.
Cognitive training includes methods to improve memory, attention, perception, reasoning, planning, judgment, general learning, and overall executive functioning through “brain exercises.” Some research has shown that developing these cognitive abilities can lead, in turn, to improvements in self-awareness, self-confidence, and emotional stability.
Counseling is aimed at helping people work through their emotions, develop coping strategies, and adapt to their environments.
The goal of feeding therapy is for the client to be able to eat regular, nutritious meals with others. A client may have oral motor difficulties and/or physical impairments impacting the ability to suck, chew, and/or swallow food safely. A client may also have sensory aversions to food textures, smells, and/or tastes.
Therapy for fine motor coordination skills is primarily aimed at improving dexterity of the fingers and hands. Foundational skills for precise movements, such as core strength and weight bearing abilities, are also often addressed during therapy. Fine motor coordination is important for tasks such as grasping and releasing objects, writing, learning to manipulate objects, etc.
Gait training includes therapeutic activities for learning to stand and walk independently.
Therapy for gross motor coordination skills involve strengthening those muscles that are utilized for whole body movements, such as running, jumping, walking, etc. Gross motor coordination skills are also used for postural stability and control, higher-level movement tasks, and efficient motor patterns.
The Handwriting Without Tears program is a method to learn and remediate handwriting skills through developmentally appropriate, multisensory tools and strategies.
Interactive Metronome® (IM) is an evidence-based assessment and training tool that helps strengthen the brain’s ability to synchronize thought and movement to a steady metronome beat. IM responds to a client’s physical performance by providing real-time auditory and visual millisecond feedback indicating whether they are hitting before, after or in sync with the beat. The overall goal of IM training is to improve timing in the brain, or Neurotiming, through rhythm and repetition.
Kinesiotaping is a technique designed to provide support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting range of motion. Kinesiotaping can enhance the effects of manual therapeutic techniques as well.
Services for language development include components of: phonology (manipulating sound according to the rules of a language); morphology (understanding and using minimal units of meaning); syntax (constructing sentences according to languages’ grammar rules); semantics (interpreting signs or symbols of communication to construct meaning); and pragmatics (social aspects of communication).
Modalities, such as electrical stimulation and ultrasound, may be used to reduce inflammation, decrease pain, and facilitate muscle function
Perceptual processing involves therapeutic activities aimed at improving visual perceptual processing. Visual perception is the ability to receive and interpret visual information, important for skills including discriminating shape, color, size, etc., remembering visual information in correct sequences, focusing on important visual input while disregarding irrelevant information, etc.
Reading and literacy interventions often involve combinations of techniques to improve phonological awareness, decoding, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, and inferencing.
Sensory integration occurs when the brain is able to receive, interpret, and respond to various sensory stimuli in a purposeful and effective way. Therapeutic techniques used in this type of approach help improve the client’s sensory processing and modulation skills so that he or she is better able to participate in daily routines.
Speech therapy activities focus on components of speech production, such as phonation (producing sound), resonance, fluency, intonation, pitch variance, and voice.
Splints and orthotics are used to support muscles and improve alignment of joints in order to facilitate proper positioning, decrease overuse injuries, prevent deformities, and improve functional skills, such as mobility.
Therapeutic strengthening activities are used to increase endurance, range of motion, and muscular strength in order for the body to improve functional skills needed for daily living.
Visual motor integration activities are those used to improve hand-eye coordination skills for ball activities, handwriting, fine motor coordination, etc.
Wheelchair mobility training involves activities aimed at improving functional skills for maneuvering through the environment while using a wheelchair. Our therapists can assist with choosing appropriate wheelchairs that match the client’s skill level and mobility needs as well.